QAre there any monthly fees or charges associated with our services
ANo monthly fees or charges
QWhat’s the cost of a domain name
ANew domain registrations cost $20
QDo I qualify for a free domain name
AYou get a free domain name with the purchase of certain packages ($300 and above) or specials
QWho owns the rights to my domain name
AWe register domains under your name
QWhen does my domain name registration end
ADepends on the number of years it is registered
QWho is responsible for renewing the domain name
ASince the domains are registered under your name, You are responsible for renewal
QHow much does it cost to register
AAt this time, it is $20.00 per year
QWhat happens to my “free” hosting after the first year
AHosting after the first year is $25 per year
QWhere is my website hosted
AYour website is hosted with a major U.S. hosting company